Peace Has a Name

peace has a name

blue isn’t just a color, it has the capacity to allow us to feel love like no other, that motherly love that has no conditions, that reminder that we aren’t always self-sufficient, and sometimes we need a beam of hope to come and cover, us in the blue, meaning that sometimes we need the gloom, the feeling of doom, to help us understand our oceans mood. 

one thing will always be true, and that is that blue wraps us with tranquility, the ability to hug our souls and open our availability, we say we’re too busy, and overwhelmed, but the state of blue shows us that to love one another it takes two. we are often caught up in the thick, and never in the mundane, we brush it off as unimportant and lame, and shame on those who feel their pain and allow river flow to gush once again, stuck on the red versus blue, on which side is true, telling unalike minds to just shoo, but they don’t have a clue, that blue isn’t party lines or political grime, its the tranquil of basking ourselves in our mother’s arms, and leading us to feel free from all harm, the freedom of being safe from painful alarms, tapping into ourselves unaware of the charm. 

blueness isn’t a temporary condition, its lifes rendition that reminds us that we aren’t so different, that when we prance into the vastness of its waves, the lustfulness we crave passes away, the hate that consumes goes astray, and the peacefulness of the blue paves the way for my soul to be healed from the enclave of toxicness, the grips of sin, the need to win, because blue makes me forget my veil of a toxic male, meaning that when im surrounded by the waves it forces me to say, that “I love today” because for once my heart doesnt feel the pain, of the weight of the world ripping at my soul as it starts to shave, all of the layers of love I have left start to fade, but blue resets my souls yearning, to fillfull that role that that 6-year-old boy was constantly learning that, life comes in waves, and if you dont bask in the blueness of the unconditional love that life gives you, you’ll begin to hate the world, feeling as if God forgets you. 

my blueness allows me to forget the newness of hate, division, precision of colonial visions of a world to be dominated, it allows me to see myself as my fathers creation and my mother’s haven, as the world begins to cave, i can say i forgave, i let go of hates claim, and didnt allow pain and vice to prevail once again, because at the end of the day, my state of blue will always triumph, as i remind myself that giants fall, bad conditions stall, but through it all blue stands tall to tell us that love isnt jealous, creation isnt hellish, and that life should be zealous, that when we march outside the sky is blue, the ocean too, the bees fly peacefully without a clue, and my day is beautiful and always new. 

copyright © micah hill 2024




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