

change comes for those who wait, but the weight of the stress makes you wait too late, those grips of addiction make me hate, to see you broken down and torn because you've accepted your fate, that when you recognize the pattern you still can't break free, that ascension from vice proves to not be filled with glee, because when the mind try's to escape the souls intentions, our bodies and lucifer begin to resist, confining us between our 4 walls our souls remised, but our mind key doesn't unlock the pad to the fiery abyss. 

the intent of i love you covered in lust, making empty promises breaking connections trust, our foul intentions stink of must, the idea that if things aren't urgent we'll begin to fuss, because our patience is shorter than our will to transform and willingness to trust. the cycle of fear, you passed unto me because you were worried the attack were near, not knowing that you were the confederate, in our own camp, the betrayal of youth impurity leers, the sheer force of it all made you panic, the abuse I endured almost made me manic. each strike, like clockwork made the moment of fear a perfect circle, you'd cause years of pain, years of personal mental strife, because I live a life of fear, that my peers are ready to tear my fragile lock of trust, my thin layer of security, unintentionally letting the devil in, letting my enemy win, because of the cardinal sin, your pride too thick that you left me to fend, for myself in a world covered in the other 6, fixed to destroy every fiber of my being, attacking each chromosome, slowly killing my identity, leaving to question if you were really home, or if your cycle cut so deep that the hill to climb didn't feel as steep, running over my carton of hope, leaving me emotionally weak. 

even though you've inflected great harm, I’m still captivated by your charm, now armed with the power to stand up and bring the fight back, every muscle in my body wanting to attack, but i'm reminded that if my body wins, my mind grins, and my soul sins, this vicious cycle of vice will soon come to an end.

copyright © micah hill 2024




Peace Has a Name