In the Shadow of My Father

in the shadow of my father revised

masculinity is complex

its nature is one that we want to amend 

is it strength and gains driven by sex?

is it primal instinct to destroy we cannot understand?

is it proximity to masculinity, distance to femininity?

in one night, I learned I wanted to break free from the cycle

narrow backseat of a police car, almost to give me a glimpse of my future

questions I did not truly understand 

a smell I’d never forget

the vivid memory of the stillness of the moment

hands around the neck, hands that were served to protect

hands that would burn, light, and ignite the fire of division 

the controller was my solace 

the controller was where I found peace

its intentions never meant to harm

unconditional love, handcuffed by the charm

the end of childhood lied in the door of a police cruiser 

the blueness of life would be overcast by the dark shadows of abuse

my youthful and innocent existence didn’t understand 

the cruiser would be the bridge into newness

a peek into my future 

a picture of the vices of my maker

“what happens in this house stays”

a condemn of challenge 

afraid of consequence

refusal to admit ones flaws, the deadliest vice

gripped by the shadow of masculinity 

gripped by the strong hands of the controller

opposite to normality that was plugged into the PlayStation 

hit and scorned by the one who I found solace in

the blueness of my being was overcast by the vice of the controller

my new environment was novel and strange 

blowup mattress with a hole that was too wide

my youthfulness was punctured and deflated by dawn

by the grips of the shadow of my father

what had chained and captured me, I had become 

the controller, the abuser

always the victor, never the loser

intentions never to harm or abuse her

ones to admire, adding fuel to the fire

“what happens between us stays”

afraid of outside influence

refusal to admit my vices

gripped by the cycle of what I despised

controlled by the web of lies

the engravment of the shortcomings of man

forever pressed into the psyche

despite my desire to ascend higher and forgo my makers vices

I will be forever in the shadow of my father 

copyright © micah hill 2024




Motions and Notions